Windy City Show

Vintage & Antique Toys
For many collectors, few hobbies bring as much joy as collecting vintage toys—after all, toys and games remind us of our days as children, free from stress and worry and filled with laughter and play. Some vendors offer a wide variety of antique and vintage toys for sale, including vintage and antique cap guns, vintage and antique pull toys and even vintage and antique toy kitchen sets, along with all the vintage toy pots, pans and bakeware you’ll need to complete your collection.
Cast Iron, Lead and Tin Vintage Toys from Well-Known Brands
Individuals who buy, collect or sell vintage toys will enjoy shopping at the Windy City Coin Of Show! Old toys such as Hubley vintage and antique cast iron toys including motorcycles, trucks and planes; Disney vintage and antique tin toys featuring Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and other Disney characters; and Britains vintage antique lead toys and figures like toy soldiers and farm animals. Check our event out to add to your collection with a one must-have piece or buy vintage toys you didn’t even know you had to have!
Find Vintage Toys from Your Childhood Days
If you’re feeling nostalgic for the simpler times from your own childhood, you’re not alone. Though they were certainly less complicated than today’s technological marvels, the toys of the 1960s and ’70s were undeniably fun. Find the vintage toys from your childhood that got lost in the move or left in an attic. From Hasbro vintage and antique play sets and Mattel vintage and antique spinning tops to Marx vintage antique cowboy and western toys and Ideal vintage and antique character toys like Evil Knievel vintage action figures, you’ll enjoy a trip down memory lane as you visit the Windy City Coin Op Show!